
Week 3: Baroque Era, Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring

 Baroque Era: Johannes Vermeer - An Introspective Look                                        Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Netherlands, c. 1665,  Oil on Canvas     My initial thought when looking through artists in the Baroque period was "Who made the Girl with a Pear Earring," as my mother had used this for a previous art-related assignment, having to change it, and used me as her muse for it. I remember it so vividly, and this painting has stuck in my mind since. It only seemed natural to look for the artist who made this masterpiece,  Johannes Vermeer, who is known to only have made 36 works of art. He was directly associated with the rise of the merchant class, as merchants and the middle class had a growing demand for art in the Netherlands. This meant that Vermeer could sell his artwork off to wealthy individuals and keep m...

Week 3: Italian Renaissance, Botticelli's Primavera

 Italian Renaissance: Botticelli's Primavera -  An Introspective Look  Sandro Botticelli, La Primavera, c. 1482, tempera on wood           When looking through artists from the Northern and Italian Renaissance, many can catch someone's eye, such as Michaelangelo or Donatello, but the one who snagged my attention was Botticelli. I discovered through research that tempera during this time was actually egg tempera used as a binding medium for oil paintings. This was one of the mediums that Botticelli would use when painting, which would bind the pigment of the paint with the medium, allowing it to stick to the canvas.  Botticelli was also known for his masterful use of lines by historians, where he would focus on the line of these creations, which in turn caused the forms to be lightly shaded. Botticelli learned this technique he utilized from his mentor, Fra Filippo Lippi, who was a frontrunner in Italian Renaissance art.    ...

Week 2: Analysis of Art; Architecture and Geometry

Credit: "Our Very Own Spaceship Earth" taken by Cassidy Dolan in EPCOT at 6:03 p.m. on January 2nd, 2025, on an iPhone 15 Pro.      I took this photo of Spaceship Earth at EPCOT during winter break this year, and I noticed several art elements that speak quite loudly in the architecture. The first element I'd like to point out is the colors and how as soon as you look at the photo, they almost jump out at your eyes and assault them with a dazzling gleam of vibrancy. This is due to lights being installed on every triangular point on the globe, enabling a strobe of light shows to play upon it during the evenings.      This leads me to the next element: this glorious globe's repetition, rhythm, and pattern. This globe is 18 stories tall and made up of 11,324 triangles! Together, these triangles make a beautiful pattern encased in a sphere that catches your eye when you walk into the park.      These triangles that make the globe also look to hav...

Week 1: Introductions of The Art Kind

 Hello everyone!       My name is Cassidy Dolan and I am from Fairbanks, Alaska. I am currently studying in the field of Evolutionary and Ecological sciences while also working towards an art minor. I am at the end of my senior year and will need at least one more semester to complete my degree and graduate. I am an avid lover of all things horror, with my favorites being the Slasher genre of movies. My favorite Slasher is Jason Voorhees while my favorite movie is John Carpenter's The Thing. This was when I found my first love of art, special effects makeup.       I wanted to be like Tom Savini, so I bought my own supplies and did amateur gore and horror makeup. Since this type of medium for me has passed I have come to appreciate the digital format of art more, loving every moment that can be captured into a photograph. This especially comes through when I go on vacations to Disney World with my family, where I enjoy the theme parks and crui...