Week 3: Baroque Era, Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring

Baroque Era: Johannes Vermeer - An Introspective Look Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Netherlands, c. 1665, Oil on Canvas My initial thought when looking through artists in the Baroque period was "Who made the Girl with a Pear Earring," as my mother had used this for a previous art-related assignment, having to change it, and used me as her muse for it. I remember it so vividly, and this painting has stuck in my mind since. It only seemed natural to look for the artist who made this masterpiece, Johannes Vermeer, who is known to only have made 36 works of art. He was directly associated with the rise of the merchant class, as merchants and the middle class had a growing demand for art in the Netherlands. This meant that Vermeer could sell his artwork off to wealthy individuals and keep m...